Clinical Documentation Improvement
Now with CDI Alerts

Fusion CDI

10% Coding Accuracy DNFB 25% Coder Productivity

Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI)

Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) is essential for ensuring accurate and complete patient records, directly impacting reimbursement, quality metrics, and regulatory compliance. Dolbeyโ€™s Fusion CAC offers a powerful CDI solution that has advanced CDI Alertsโ„ข, enabling your CDI specialists to identify documentation gaps with workflow prioritization and streamline the chart review process.

Fusion CACโ€™s CDI module is designed to support CDI Specialists in reviewing and improving clinical documentation across the patient care continuum. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), Fusion CAC provides real-time insights and actionable alerts that help your team capture the most accurate and complete documentation possible. This not only ensures compliance but also ensures correct reimbursement and enhances the overall quality of patient care.

CDI Alerts within Fusion CAC are a transformative feature that automates the identification of potential documentation gaps before a CDI Specialist even reviews the chart. This proactive approach helps your team prioritize high-impact cases, focusing their efforts where they are needed most and enabling more efficient workflows.

Real-Time Chart Integration

Automatically identifies potential documentation gaps, query opportunities, and areas needing clarification within patient charts, allowing CDI Specialists to address issues promptly and improve documentation accuracy.

Prioritized Chart Review

By prioritizing charts that require attention, CDI Alerts minimizes the manual effort of reviewing every record. This allows CDI Specialists to focus on high-impact cases, improving the accuracy of coding and maximizing reimbursement opportunities.

Streamlined Query Generation

CDI Alerts provides evidence markers directly in the patient chart, making it easier for CDI Specialists to gather supporting documentation. This accelerates the query process and enhances response rates with well-supported, clear queries.

Seamless Cross-Team Collaboration

The integration of CDI Alerts into existing workflows enhances collaboration between Coding, CDI, and Auditing teams. This seamless interaction helps to reduce discrepancies in documentation and fosters a unified approach to improving clinical documentation quality.

Advanced Reporting and Insights

With Fusion CAC, teams gain access to real-time data and advanced reporting tools that deliver actionable insights into CDI performance. These insights include tracking the effectiveness of CDI Alerts, monitoring query outcomes, and refining strategies for continuous documentation improvement.

Key Benefits of CDI with Fusion CAC

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Detailed evidence markers and streamlined query workflows lead to faster and more accurate query responses.

Automated alerts, prioritized workflows and expedited query creation allow CDI Specialists to focus on high-impact cases, improving overall productivity.

Proven Impact of CDI with Fusion CAC

By identifying and addressing gaps early, CDI Alerts ensure that clinical documentation is as accurate and complete as possible, supporting better coding outcomes and reimbursement.

Fusion CAC helps your team capture all relevant clinical details impacting quality measures such as Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) and Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HACs).

Increased Productivity:

Higher Query Response Rates:

Enhanced Documentation Accuracy:

Improved Compliance with Quality Metrics:

Fusion CAC's CDI module, powered by CDI Alerts, delivers measurable improvements in documentation accuracy, compliance, and overall efficiency:

Elevate Your CDI Program with Dolbey Fusion CAC

Dolbey Fusion CAC offers a comprehensive CDI solution that empowers your CDI team with the tools needed to enhance documentation quality and efficiency. With CDI Alerts, your specialists gain a powerful ally in their quest to improve clinical documentation, driving better financial outcomes and supporting the highest standards of patient care.

Experience the power of CDI with Dolbey Fusion CAC where advanced technology meets expert-prioritization driven workflows, automated evidence-based queries allowing you to transform how you manage clinical documentation improvement.

The Fusion platform includes a computer-assisted clinical documentation improvement application (Fusion CDI) that is tightly integrated with CAC. While CDI, Coding, and Auditing teams can work simultaneously on the same encounter, each has its own workspace. We make collaboration easy between the teams with the robust communication features.

What is Fusion CDI?

Watch the quick two-minute video above to learn more about our Clinical Document Solution! Watch our video

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