A primer on Dr. B, the site matching Americans with leftover COVID-19 vaccine doses

By Katie Adams for Becker’s Hospital Review

Zocdoc founder and former CEO Cyrus Massoumi recently launched Dr. B, a platform that matches Americans seeking COVID-19 vaccines with leftover doses so they don’t go to waste, The New York Times reported March 9.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines must be administered within hours once they’re taken out of ultralow-temperature storage, and leftover doses have often been going to grocery store shoppers or people who are close with pharmacy and medical staff.

Dr. B seeks to bring more order to the country’s extra dose allocations by matching them to people willing to receive one at a moment’s notice. Users must respond to the notification that tells them there is an extra dose available for them within 15 minutes and be able to travel to the provider quickly. The service, which began last month, is free for both providers and vaccine seekers.

The service sorts users by local vaccine priority guidelines, which gives providers a better chance of administering extra shots to community members who have the greatest vulnerability. It is available to those who speak Spanish and allows users to sign up on their friends’ or family members’ behalf, Mr. Massoumi told the Times.

Two vaccine providers have started testing the service, and 200 more have applied to use it. More than 500,000 vaccine seekers have submitted their personal information to the site, the Times reported.

Mr. Massoumi got the idea for Dr. B in January and quickly began recruiting help. Engineers from now-defunct Haven work on the project, and Amazon has donated its web services, he told the Times.

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