Ransomware Tops Health Technology Hazards for 2018 List

By Julie Spitzer Becker’s Hospital Review

The Emergency Care Research Institute ranked ransomware and other cybersecurity threats as the No. 1 health technology hazard for 2018, according to its Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2018 list.

The ECRI Institute, a nonprofit research group, compiled the list based on its judgment of which risks should receive top priority from healthcare facilities.

Here are the top 10 health technology hazards for 2018.

1. Ransomware and other cybersecurity threats to healthcare delivery, which can endanger patients
2. Endoscope reprocessing failures continue to expose patients to infection risk
3. Mattresses and covers may be infected by body fluids and microbiological contaminants
4. Missed alarms as a result of inappropriately configured secondary notification devices and systems
5. Improper cleaning may cause device malfunctions, equipment failures and potential for patient injury
6. Upholstered electrosurgical active electrodes can lead to patient burns
7. Inadequate use of digital imaging tools may lead to unnecessary radiation exposure
8. Workarounds can negate the safety advantages of bar-coded medication administration systems
9. Flaws in medical device networking can lead to delayed or inappropriate care
10. Slow adoption of safer enteral feeding connectors leaves patients at risk

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