CMS’ 2018 IPPS Proposed Rule: 9 Things to Know

By Ayla Ellison for Becker’s Hospital CFO CMS released its 2018 Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System proposed rule on Friday, which increases payments to acute care hospitals next year. The rule also includes proposed rates for long-term care hospitals. Overall, the proposed rule would apply to about 3,330 acute care hospitals and 420 long-term care…

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The Battle Begins as House Republicans Release ACA Repeal Bill

By Harris Meyer for Modern Healthcare Under pressure from conservatives and the business community, House Republicans have released a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that ditches their previous proposal to tax high-value employer health plans. The 123-page bill, dubbed the American Health Care Act, was released Monday night. It would replace…

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Washington Debrief: New Administration Update & Hill Activity

By Leslie Kriegstein, Vice President of Congressional Affairs, CHIME for Healthcare Informatics Dr. Price’s Nomination to be Secretary of HHS Advances Key Takeaway: President Trump’s nominee to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Dr. Tom Price (R-GA), is set to be considered by the full Senate to become the nation’s chief healthcare…

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Trump’s Executive Order on the ACA: 5 Things to Know

By Emily Rappleye for Becker’s Hospital Review January 23, 2017 President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday evening aimed at immediately lessening the economic burden of the ACA as Republican lawmakers work on a repeal and replacement plan. Here are five things to know about the scope of the executive order. 1. The order offers…

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Trump Picks Rep. Tom Price for HHS Secretary, Verma for CMS

By Modern Healthcare | November 28, 2016  (Story updated at 11:04 a.m. ET)  U.S. Rep. Tom Price was nominated to be HHS secretary by President-elect Donald Trump, according to a person familiar with the decision. Seema Verma, who helped craft Indiana’s conservative Medicaid expansion will lead CMS. Price, an orthopedic surgeon from Georgia, would be a key part…

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Cleveland Clinic CEO Dr. Toby Cosgrove’s Warning to All US Hospitals

By Tamara Rosin for Becker’s Hospital Review Preventing the rate of hospital closures from rising will require hospitals to focus on improving efficiency and continuing to seek opportunities to consolidate, Cleveland Clinic CEO Toby Cosgrove, MD, told Fox Business Network. “Hospital occupancy across the United States is about 65 percent,” said Dr. Cosgrove. “For example, in…

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Specialty Societies Say EHR Vendors Are Blocking Their Registry Work

By Darius Tahir for POLITICO Electronic health record companies are obstructing efforts by specialty societies to gather data that are crucial to the Obama administration’s goal of improving health care quality, leaders of the physician groups tell POLITICO. The data are collected in registries, which are organized to track patients and their conditions and procedures…

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Clinton vs. Trump: 16 Quotes on Healthcare From the Presidential Candidates

By Staff for Becker’s Hospital Review The 2016 presidential campaigns are underway, pitting Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton against Republican candidate Donald Trump. Both have spoken on what their presidencies would bring to the U.S. healthcare system. Here are eight healthcare quotes from Ms. Clinton: 1. After a woman spoke about her daughter receiving cancer treatment due…

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Unfinished Business

By Susan Chapman for For The Record Findings from The Joint Commission show many surveyed hospitals house incomplete medical records. When so many aspects of health care revolve around quality documentation, it would be good to know that providers are accomplished medical record custodians. Depending on your perspective, the news on that front isn’t half…

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DEA Wants Inside Your Medical Records to Fight the War on Drugs

By Christopher Moraff for The Daily Beast The feds are fighting to look at millions of private files without a warrant, including those of two transgender men who are taking testosterone. Marlon Jones was arrested for taking legal painkillers, prescribed to him by a doctor, after a double knee replacement. Jones, an assistant fire chief of Utah’s…

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