Why CDI Often Times Goes off the Rails

By Glenn Krauss, RHIA, BBA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, CCDS, C-CDI, PCS, FCS, C-CDAM for ICD10 Monitor 

Moving beyond CDI to optimize reimbursement requires returning to an optimal and sustainable level of achievable excellence.

A well-guided, thought-out, directed mission is paramount to driving and ensuring success in any professional role – and this particularly holds true for the profession of clinical documentation improvement (CDI). In my travels as a consultant and in speaking with numerous CDI colleagues, I have become convinced that the major limiting factor in clinical documentation improvement effectiveness and outcomes is the targeted mission of the profession preventing optimal sustainable achievement of excellence.

With the rapid evolution in healthcare delivery models and emphasis on quality, value, cost-effective outcomes, patient centeredness, and healthcare prevention, all impacted by the accuracy and completeness of clinical documentation and derived data, the imperativeness of a thoughtful, well-designed, meaningful mission of CDI cannot be overemphasized.


Article originally published on March 20, 2018 by ICD10 Monitor.

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One comment

  1. I agree with your comments however, before the Management team moves forward with changing the scope of CDI at each facility, the leadership team will want to know how we are going to measure success as a team. You mentioned the list of KPI’s that are reimbursement driven that should not be used d/t their reimbursement focus. What are your recommendations for the KPI’s that you recommend CDI teams track to reflect the work done to enhance the quality/integrity of the documentation? I would like to add your recommendations to our CDI dashboard.

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