Dolbey Announces Ability to Automate Contrast Dose Capture with Fusion Suite to Improve Radiology Documentation Workflow

Dolbey Announces Ability to Automate Contrast Dose Capture with Fusion Suite to Improve Radiology Documentation Workflow

Chicago, IL- At the 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (RSNA) Dolbey announces they have recently extended interfacing capability of its Fusion product suite for clinical documentation to the Bayer Certegra® SR Outbound Interface.   Utilizing this new connectivity, when Fusion customers perform CT exams with contrast, Certegra sends the CT dosage information to Fusion to auto-populate the radiology record.  When the radiologist begins a report for the corresponding CT, they will now have access to the CT contrast injection data and can insert the contrast information directly into the report.  Alternatively, the information can be automatically inserted into a template specific to that modality. This data that was dictated in the past is now inserted into the report improving the quality and accuracy of the report and reducing the amount of time a radiologist spends on each dictation.

“Providing a fast turnaround time on reports can be critical to effective patient care and providing all of the correct data in a timely manner can many times delay the delivery of that report,” said Bob Leslie, Senior Vice President of Dolbey and Company.  “Dolbey and Company is excited to interface Fusion Expert® Speech with Certegra Informatics Platform to make contrast dose data immediately available to the radiologist for reporting to speed the delivery of the report to the caregivers responsible for that patient.”

About Dolbey

Dolbey is a leader in providing dictation, transcription, speech recognition and coding solutions for healthcare in the United States and Canada. Together, Dolbey and Company, Inc. and Dolbey Systems, Inc. offer the award winning Fusion Suite™ of integrated products which is backed by the industry’s largest organization of certified professionals who assist in design, implementation and support.

For further information, please contact:
Brigid Dreyer, Marketing Coordinator

800-756-7828 x145 /

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